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Welcome to Nosoca Pines Ranch


We are glad that you have chosen Nosoca Pines Ranch for your Retreat. This facility is owned and operated by the Seventh-day Adventist Church and is a retreat center and summer camp nestled along the shore of beautiful Lake Wateree in Liberty Hill, South Carolina. It is here for the purpose of providing a Christian atmosphere in which people of all ages, races, and Christian denominations can enjoy recreation, fun and fellowship. The management and staff of Nosoca Pines Ranch provide quality service and a place where you can escape the rigors of everyday life and enjoy the beautiful things God has created for us. 


Enclosed are our camp policies that we trust will be helpful in planning for your stay here. Carefully read over this information as some guidelines have been revised or changed. As a group leader, you are responsible for assuring that your group abides by these policies.  It is our goal to keep everyone safe as well as to have a fun, relaxed and enjoyable time.  


We look forward to having your group here and will be happy to assist you in any way possible.  May God bless you as you plan for your special event. 

Your Friend, 

Rick Faber   

Camp Manager / Summer Camp Director


COVID Protocol for Rental Group Leaders


Nosoca Pines Ranch remains committed to prioritizing the health and safety of our guests and staff by implementing precautionary measures. Located in Kershaw County, we adhere to the guidelines and regulations set forth by the CDC and local health authorities. Efforts to ensure safety include providing extra spacing whenever feasible and conducting regular disinfection of areas.


Moving forward, Nosoca Pines Ranch will empower Group Leaders with the responsibility to communicate and enforce safety protocols, taking into consideration the guidelines mentioned. We impose no restrictions on participant numbers, leaving it to the discretion of Group Leaders to comply with these measures.

Rental Group General Policies


Be sure to share these policies and regulations with your group so that all guests can have a safe experience. 


General Guidelines

  1. Groups using Cabins must furnish their own bedding and towels unless prior arrangements have been made for linen rental.  Groups using Motel Lodges, The Cottage and Directors cabin will have linens provided.  If you reserved a Cabin or other lodging but end up not using it once you are here, be sure to let us know or you will be charged for that housing.     

  2. At the end of your visit, all meeting and housing facilities are to be left clean and all trash put in trash containers on the front porch.  Any extra decorations displayed by a group such as confetti, hay, flower pedals, etc. must be cleaned up by that group or an extra fee will be applied. 

  3. Each group is responsible to see that wildlife, vegetation, equipment, and buildings are protected from damage by members of their group. Absolutely no trees, vegetation, dead wood or the like are to be cut or removed. 

  4. Personal sports equipment should be stored and handled safely for everyone’s protection. 

  5. Nosoca Pines Ranch is owned and operated by the Seventh-day Adventist Church. If your group is scheduled to use the camp over the weekend, we ask that your group be aware of the following policy: from sundown on Friday until sundown on Saturday, we observe the Sabbath day as stated in the fourth commandment. During this time, groups that are on the property are encouraged to have a worship service, keeping a worshipful atmosphere in all your activities the entire Sabbath day.  Foodservice is provided for groups.  Activities such as hiking, canoeing, pontoon boat rides, horse carriage rides and wagon rides and a variety of other things that are conducive to a worshipful atmosphere are available. Recreational activities such as volleyball, basketball, horseback riding, ski boats and swimming are not available during Sabbath hours. If you have any further questions about other activities during the Sabbath hours, please contact us.

  6. No alcoholic beverages, narcotics, fireworks or weapons of any kind including but not limited to knives, guns, or personal bows and arrows are permitted on camp property. 

  7. Nosoca Pines Ranch is a smoke-free environment.

  8. Insurance: All groups must be covered by accident insurance. 

  9. To be courteous to others using Nosoca Pines Ranch as well as our neighbors, we ask that quiet time be observed after 11:00 PM. 

  10. Use of Nosoca Pines Ranch facilities and all activities are at your own risk. 

11. Pets are NOT allowed. Any pets brought to camp will pay a fine of up to $100.00 and MUST BE REMOVED from the premises immediately.  If the pet is brought into your housing facility, then an additional fine of up to $200.00 will be charged for special cleaning and spraying of the building. You will also be responsible to pay for any additional fees for damages caused by your pet.

12. If a personal item is left behind at Nosoca, contact the main office.  Arrangements can be made to return it (guest pays shipping cost). After 30 days the camp reserves the right to take any left and unclaimed lost and found items to a local charity.

13.  Check-In & Check-Out: See updated Group Leader guidelines due to COVID.  We ask that you e-mail or fax back the Billing Check-Out Form the next day for the billing process to begin. 



Swimming Pool Regulations

Prior arrangements must be made to use the swimming pool. The swimming pool is available only with a lifeguard on duty. Therefore, arrangements must be made ahead of time.  If you wish to provide your own lifeguards there is no charge for the pool. Also, you must be sure to read the Rental Group Aquatics Policies booklet, bring your lifeguard certificate (which must come from a nationally recognized provider), and be orientated to our pool rules (which must be enforced by your group).


The pool is fenced in and locked when not in use.  Pool rules are posted, and no diving signs and pool depths are clearly marked.  The shallow area is roped off from the deep water and diving area. A hot tub is also located in the pool area and is locked up unless in use.  The first aid kit and safety equipment are locked up in the pool office.  Only modest one-piece swimsuits are allowed (no Speedos for men).  Please inform your guests in order to avoid inconvenience during their stay.


The appropriate number of lifeguards must be on duty for the pool to be open for swimming.  There will be a minimum of one certified lifeguard with one spotter on duty at all times.  


Lifeguard Minimums:

Two Guards for 1 to 25 people

Three Guards for 26 to 75 people

Four Guards for 76 to 100 people


Leaders and staff are subject to the same requirements. There must be lifeguards on duty in order for them to swim.  There is no swimming in the lake.


Watercraft Orientation (Boats and Canoes)

Only boat drivers authorized by the Camp Manager and have a Boaters Certificate will drive ski boats and the pontoon boat.  When planning on using Nosoca’s canoes, a designated person from your group needs to be orientated to its use and orientated to Nosoca’s canoe program.  Be sure to share the following information with anyone using the canoes.  All canoes must have a minimum of one adult (18 and older) per canoe. 


Prior arrangements must be made to use Nosoca’s canoes.  Group leaders must be aware when these canoes are taken out, where they are going and when they will return. Once returned you must wipe down the equipment with Lysol wipes and have them clean for the next use.   All participants must sign in and sign out at the canoe shed. A whistle must be taken on each canoe in use. A PFD (lifejacket) must be worn and properly secured by campers and staff while in the watercraft.  It is also important that the appropriate size be worn according to the person’s size and weight.  PFD’s are checked regularly for holes, waterlogging, broken ties, etc. 

MAKE NOTE: Remember, if you assign a designated person from your group to be on duty with the canoes, they must have a national recognized certification as a lifeguard, CPR, and First Aid; as well as documentation of experience indicating knowledge and skill in teaching and supervising canoes. 

The following rules are posted at the canoe shed.  Be sure your guests using the canoes are aware of them.

  1. Sign the Canoe In /Out Form located at the canoe beach shed.

  2. When boarding, keep weight low and step from the bank into the center of the canoe.

  3. Distribute weight as evenly as possible in watercraft.

  4. Do NOT attempt to change positions or stand up after leaving shore.

  5. When debarking: keep weight low and step from the center of the canoe onto the bank.

  6. If the canoe swamps, move it slowly to the bank so water can be drained.

  7. If separated from a swamped canoe, use your PFD to swim back to shore.  Inform your leader of the situation immediately.

  8. All minors under 18 must have an adult accompany them.

  9. Everyone must wear a PFD.  (Life jacket)



Personal Boat Policy

For those who bring and plan to use their own watercraft (boat), the following rules apply:

  • Liability situations are between the Boat Owner and the Rental Group.

  • Permission to bring the boat must be granted from both Rental Group Leader AND the Camp Manager.

  • Boat owners must receive an orientation to Nosoca’s waterfront facility and procedures.

  • You will be boating/docking from a different shoreline than where the camp watercraft are docked.  

  • Any misuse of your boat or hindrance to the program will result in lost privileges at the discretion of the Group Leader AND Camp Manager.

  • Boat Owner is responsible for their own ski equipment, ropes, and life jackets for their participants.

  • Must have proof of insurance for liability/personal injury, and current boat registration.  

  • Boat Owner is responsible for their own gas.  You may purchase gas from Nosoca.



General Safety Regulations

  1. Driving your vehicle:

    • Vehicle use is to be limited as much as possible in Camp. 

    • Only persons with a valid driver’s license may drive any motorized vehicle on Camp property.

    • Non-passenger vehicles: Individuals are not to ride in the back of pickups, on trailers, on hoods, or any outside parts of vehicles (including golf carts) not designed for passengers where seats are not attached to the vehicle. 

    • Speed limits are posted around camp.  

    • Golf carts can only hold the manufacture designed number of passengers (2 or 4).  Passengers are to stay seated at all times when the vehicle is moving. 

  2. Shoes or sandals should be worn at all times, except at the pool or waterfront. 

  3. Shirts, pants/shorts, and shoes are required in the cafeteria.   

  4. Your group staff and campers should make themselves aware of potential natural hazards such as poison ivy, the presence of venomous snakes, and stinging insects. 

  5. You may be sharing Nosoca Pines Ranch with another group. It is important that respect and courtesy be shown to all with reference to behavior, quiet times, meeting facilities, cafeteria facilities, and lodging. 

  6. All groups are advised to inform their staff of the following procedures in regard to intruders: 

    • Report any unauthorized individual(s) to any Nosoca Pines Ranch staff. 

    • The manager on duty will be contacted immediately and will find the individual(s) in order to establish the nature of their presence in Camp.

    • The Manager on duty will take appropriate action. 




All Rental Groups with children under 18 who are unaccompanied by a parent or guardian are advised to meet the following minimums for staff-to-camper ratios:


Camper Age             Number of Staff to Number of Children

4-5 years                   1/5

6-8 years                   1/6

9-14 years                 1/8

15-18 years               1/10

The staff used to meet the above staff-to-child ratios should meet the following requirements:

  1. At least 80% of the staff are 18 years of age or older.

  2. All staff is at least 16 years of age and at least two years older than the minors with whom they are working.

Rule of Three Supervision

User groups are advised to avoid situations where a staff member may have a one-on-one interaction with a child when out of sight of any other personnel. Understanding that certain situations may not be possible to avoid such as restroom and shower assistance, and healthcare. Groups are encouraged to supervise campers under the “rule of three”. Meaning they are to be in auditory or visual range of other staff and campers when a one-on-one situation may arise. 



We have basic first aid kits in various places for minor issues (such as a need for a band-aid).  Nosoca Pines Ranch does not provide medical care for groups. It is recommended that each group have their own healthcare specialists such as a nurse or doctor. If that is not possible, groups are advised to at least meet the following minimums:


  • Groups with families are advised to have at least an adult on duty that has a CPR certification from a nationally recognized provider.

  • Groups with children under the age of 18 who are unaccompanied by a parent or guardian are advised to have at least one adult on duty who has both CPR certification and first aid certification from a nationally recognized provider. 


All groups are advised to provide their own first aid supplies. Directions to the nearest hospital are located in each cabin and lodge.  

Health Information

Group leaders are advised to gather the following information on each guest for their own records:

  1. Names and addresses of all participants.

  2. Emergency contact names and numbers. 

  3. A listing of any persons with known allergies or health conditions requiring treatment, restriction, or other accommodation while on site. 

  4. For minors without a parent on site, signed permission to seek emergency treatment or a signed religious waiver.

Emergency Transportation

EMS services are available to Camp 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, year-round, and provided by Kershaw County Fire & Rescue. Response time averages about 20-60 minutes to the Camp. They can be reached by simply dialing 911. The manager on duty or Group Leader can call if needed.   


If someone from your group makes a call to EMS, please advise the manager on duty as soon as possible. 


Emergency Procedures

The Emergency Coordinator is the only person authorized to activate and manage an emergency procedure.  Depending on the situation this person may be the Camp Manager or ranger on duty.


The signal for an emergency is the main camp bell:

Continuous Bell – Meet at the flag pole for line call.  (Missing camper, fire, evacuation)

Intermittent Bell – Get into and stay in the closest building. (Strong weather, wild animal)


  • Animal Emergencies – In the event a dangerous animal is spotted, an intermittent bell will sound.  All campers and staff should get into the nearest building and wait until the “All Clear” signal is given.


  • Thunderstorms – Take cover indoors as soon as possible and remain under cover until the storm is over or instruction is given.  If indoor cover is not available, seek the cover of a grove of trees, staying away from the taller ones.  If that is unavailable, seek as low ground as possible.  Avoid tall trees and higher ground.  If you are on the lake, go to shore as fast as possible and seek available cover.


  • Wind – Severe wind gusts often accompany thunderstorms.  Make sure that lightweight items are not left out.  If they cannot be put away, make sure they are fastened in place.  Objects blowing about can cause damage and injuries.


  • Hurricanes – Warning of approaching hurricanes is usually given much farther in advance than for tornadoes and thunderstorms.  Furthermore, the path of a hurricane is more easily followed, thus making the point of landfall a more reliable forecast.  Hurricane warnings need to be heeded.  Steps for shutting down and securing the facility need to be started long before the hurricane strikes.  Secure loose items, both inside and out, to avoid their being blown about.  Prepare for possible flooding.  Local governmental authorities will determine if evacuation is necessary.  


  • Tornadoes – Of all storms, tornadoes produce the strongest winds and are probably the most likely to cause severe injury or death. With the approach of a tornado, cover should be taken in a building.  Keep windows closed and take cover in the most interior space.


  • Extreme Heat – Exceptionally hot weather may prevail in South Carolina.  Drink plenty of fluids and restrict exercise during the heat of the day.  Be alert to signs of heat exhaustion (usually associated with higher humidity) and heat stroke (usually associated with low humidity).  Wear loose-fitting, light clothing, and keep out of the sun as much as possible. 


  • Flood – Camp Management will monitor flood conditions and decide if an evacuation is needed.  


  • Power Outage – Short-term power outages often accompany thunderstorms.  Sometimes the outage is more than short term.  In darkness do not use candles or other open flame devices, you should use flashlights.


  • WildFire – Wildfires are forest or grass and brush fires, etc.  In addition to a regular fire protection plan, any evacuation procedures will be determined by Camp management.  


Medical Emergency Information:

Springs Memorial Hospital

800 West meeting Street

Lancaster, SC




Kershaw County Medical Center

Haile and Roberts Street

Camden, South Carolina 29074



Springs Memorial Hospital in Lancaster:

Take Singleton Creek Rd until it dead ends to Hwy 97.

Take 97 North (Left) approximately 9 miles.

Turn right on Green Rd at Cedar Creek Landing – go about 2 miles.

Take Hwy 200 East (right) approximately 7 miles to first light.

Take Hwy 914 West (left) approximately 1 ½ miles. (Memorial Park Rd.)

Take Hwy 9 South (right) about ¾ mile to Springs Memorial Hospital on your left.



Kershaw County Medical Center in Camden:

Take Singleton Creek Road until it dead ends to Hwy 97. 

Take 97 South (Right) and go approximately 17 miles to Camden. 

Continue through the stop light another mile or two.

It will veer to the right into Hwy 521 and 601 on Broad Street. 

Turn left on DeKalb Street. (fifth light)

Continue just past fourth light – turn left on Robert St.  

Hospital is on the left.


In case of medical emergencies in which it is

Warranted, please call 911!


Non–Emergency medical situations:

For non-emergency medical situations, (i.e. minor cuts, scrapes, stings, etc…) we would encourage each group to bring their own first aid kits. We also have a first aid kit in the main office, at the pool, at the barn, and in the cafeteria.




Everyone should make themselves a committee of one to be alert to prevent any unsafe practice by anyone on the campgrounds.  If you see a hazard, report it, or DO something to make it SAFE!!


Food Service Policy


A minimum of 30 people per meal is required for food service, however, if less than 30, you may call and check for availability.  Notify us with your guaranteed meal count no less than five (5) days prior to your arrival date. This is important to ensure our food order for your group and will actually be the minimum number of meals you will be charged.


Nosoca Pines Ranch serves a vegetarian menu.  We do offer vegan upon request, however, we are NOT a gluten-free facility nor do we handle special diet needs such as those with diabetic issues, nut allergies, lactose intolerance, etc.  


The following is the recommended schedule for mealtimes. Please plan your schedule accordingly. Saturday lunch will not be scheduled before 1:00 pm, however, if your group has special scheduling needs and these do not meet your schedule, special arrangements can be made in advance. 


Breakfast                              8:00 am

Lunch                                   1:00 pm 

Supper                                  6:00 pm


Please DO NOT post a closing time in your schedule.  We need everyone to arrive on time in order to keep food hot and not waste staff time.  This will also allow us to offer seconds without someone missing out on firsts. It is important to be timely!  


When your group is 30 minutes late to mealtime, there will be an added charge of $1.00 per person for that meal.  Any special foodservice needs such as banquets, communion, and special menus must be arranged ahead of time.

Up to 100 people - 15 minute serving time 

100 to 150 people - 20 minute serving time 

150 to 200 people - 30 minute serving time

250 to 350 people – 45 minute serving time

Extra Options

  • Hay Bales - $6.50/bale unless it is returned in good condition 

  • Extra cleaning of confetti, hay, flower peddles, balloons etc. - $32.00/hr. Communion Service - $.85 per person (towels, basin, grape juice, bread)

  • S’mores - $12.50 per 20 people

  • Popcorn - $.55 per person

  • Snow Cones – $.55 per person

  • Chips - $ .50 per person

  • Crescent Rolls with hotdog - $1.10 per person

  • Bananas or Apples - $ .30 per person

  • Root Beer Floats - $.55 per person




Mission Statement

Nosoca Pines Ranch’s primary mission is to serve the constituents of the Carolina Conference of Seventh-day Adventists with a quality and friendly camping/retreat facility, setting an atmosphere that best allows the conference mission statement to be realized.  That Mission Statement is as follows:


“To proclaim to all people the everlasting gospel in the context of the Three Angel’s Message of Rev. 14:6-12.  Leading them to accept Jesus as their personal Savior and to unite with His church and nurturing them in preparation for His soon return.  We pursue this mission under the guidance and power of the Hold Spirit utilizing all of our God-given talents and resources."


Secondarily, to provide a facility where others who are willing to abide by the policies of the Seventh-day Adventist church and the principles of Christianity can enjoy a variety of activities in a relaxed, country setting. 


May all be to the honor and glory of God. 

© 2020 Nosoca Pines Ranch.

Nosoca Pines Ranch is owned and operated by the Seventh-day Adventist church for the purpose of providing a Christian atmosphere in which people of all ages, races, religions and denominations can enjoy recreation, fun and fellowship. Church membership is not required, although it is understood that those who attend will uphold the standards of the Seventh-day Adventist church. It is our desire that Nosoca Pines Ranch be the kind of camp where all can enjoy a Christian atmosphere without interference from worldly influences.

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